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Scott MacPherson

Scott MacphersonEvent

3k steeple, 5000, 10000, 1/2 marathon, marathon


University of Arkansas (2010)

Personal Bests

mile- 4:06, 3k- 7:58, 3k steeple- 8:38, 5k- 13:49 (indoor), 28.30 10k, 2.18 Marathon

Career Highlights

3 time NCAA All-American, 2 time Southeastern Conference Champion

Personal information

Why TeamRogue? The team is awesome! Sisson rocks! Austin is amazing! But what really brought me here was a gut feeling that I couldn’t ignore. It just felt right and I knew this was where my career would take off. I new I  would have the team, support, training, encouragement, and environment to succeed!

Favorite running workout? I love any tempo, steady state, or threshold run. As well as long runs.

Least favorite workout? Hmmmm I don’t lift weights…

Your go-to, pre-race meal?I love pasta, but I don’t have to have it before a race. I usually make sure I eat a chocolate chip cookie the night before a race. It makes me happy, and I like to race happy.

Your favorite post-run recovery food? After a race it’s a burger and a beer. After a workout or training session I will opt for a pumpernickel bagel with peanut butter, or greek yogurt with granola and fruit.

What athlete (past or present) most inspires your running? Why? I really look to the 70’s for my inspiration. I am the same height and weight as Bill Rodgers and I have the same birthday as Rob de Castella exactly 30 years later of course. When looking for inspiration I see those guys and Frank Shorter as great icons.

Dream job for after your running career? Bikini salesman, motivational speaker, explorer, or NPR radio host. Or open up a cafe.

Favorite Austin Restaurant? So far every place I have been is better than the one before… sooo I don’t know yet… but I am a big fan thus far.

French toast, pancakes, or waffles? This is tough… it depends on the time of day, what I have just finished doing, what I am about to do, and what the temperature is outside. But really if you’re putting down any of the three it’s gunna be a good day!

Favorite breakfast taco ingredient? Bacon, hummus, egg, salsa, and the most important would be the avocado!

Favorite movie? The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite TV show? I don’t have Tv, so it beats me? When I was growing up I was a big Legends of the Hidden Temple fan. Go Silver Snakes!

Favorite band? I have been listening to a lot of Zeppelin lately